Adamson For Indy
Adamson For Indy

Voter Information!

All the information you need to get out and let your voice be heard for the upcoming election. Here you can find out important dates and deadlines, how you can cast a vote, and where. 

Election Dates and Deadlines

These are the key dates and deadlines for the 2023 Primary Election:

●  April 3: Voter Registration ends

●  April 4: Early Voting opens

●  April 20: Absentee Voting Applications due

●  April 30: Early Voting at satellite sites ends at 6:00 p.m.

●  May 1: Early Voting ends at the City-County Building at 12:00 p.m.

●  May 2: Election Day, polls open 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. All mail ballots are due at an Election Board site by 6:00 p.m.

Before you can vote in Indiana, you must be registered. If you never voted before, if you've moved, or if you've changed your name, you need to register. Click the link below to register or change your registration name or address. 

Early Voting

Early Voting at the Indianapolis City-County Building opens on Tuesday, April 4, and ends on Monday, May 1. Additional Early Voting satellite locations are open April 22–April 30. All voters wishing to vote early must be registered, and bring a valid photo ID. Click below to learn more or find your Early Voting location

click here to see who is on your ballot

In Marion County, you have many options for voting early. Click the button below to find a vote center near you.