Adamson For Indy
Adamson For Indy

Re: I65/70: Indy Council VP, Mayor, and Residents Urge INDOT To Build it Right!

By - Zach
08.06.18 02:17 PM
City Council Vice President and Mayor Joe Hogsett

Residents pack in for a standing room only, City County Council Department of Public Works Committee Hearing. On the agenda: A presentation by the ReThink I65/I70 group. 
City Council Vice President, and Chairman of the DPW Committee planed for the presentation to give the public at large, as well as the Indiana Dept of Transportation, the opportunity to see first hand the damage that will be done if the upcoming fix on the North Split is not done correctly, and avoiding the mistakes made by previous interstate projects. Mistakes that have cost the city and the state millions in lost property tax values, and lost quality of life for the communities living near by. 

At the end of the meeting, we learned the exciting news that Mayor Hogsett has also joined the fight to Build it Right! 
Chairman Adamson read a letter, written that very day by Mayor Hogsett to be sent to Kia Gillettee, The Environmental Project Manager with HNTB. 

The full letter can be seen here:

Letter from Mayor Hogsett

The archived video from the Committee Meeting is posed here, you can watch the full presentation.  For more information on the Rethink I65/I70 movement, click the photo below. 

ReThnk 65/70